Dix Hills Family Dentistry Blog

February 7, 2023

Fact-Busting 5 Dental Implant Myths

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 1:36 am

Myths & facts under ripped paper

There are more options than ever to treat tooth loss, but 500,000 people every year are choosing dental implants. As the only method to recreate both the root and crown, a dental implant is the next best thing to a natural tooth. However, there are a lot of myths about the procedure. Don’t let rumors stand in your way of a complete smile. Here are the facts behind 5 common dental implant myths.


December 8, 2022

Avoid Red Wine Stains During the Holidays

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 10:28 pm

Glass of red wineThe holidays are right around the corner, which means you’ll be surrounded by many foods and drinks that will tempt your tastebuds. As you gather with friends and loved ones during the season, you don’t want your diet choices to dull your pearly whites, like red wine. Whether you enjoy a glass with dinner or after a long day, it can stain your teeth if you aren’t careful. You don’t have to skip a glass of wine or risk your beautiful smile. Here are 6 oral health tips from your dentist in Dix Hills to maintain a bright smile during the holidays. 


September 17, 2022

What Causes Black Lines Around Dental Crowns?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 12:09 am

Dentist caring for woman in dental chairDental crowns have been used for generations for their versatility and effectiveness. They can last for a decade or more with the right care. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for an aesthetic flaw to occur over the years, especially with older restorations. An unsightly black line around a dental crown can appear, which can be caused by various factors. Don’t worry, your dentist has the solutions you need to restore a beautiful smile.


August 5, 2022

4 Essential Facts You Should Know About Root Canal Therapy

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 11:41 am
illustration for facts about root canal therapy in Dix Hills

Have you recently been told that you might need a root canal? While the treatment might seem daunting or overwhelming at first, the procedure itself is fairly straightforward thanks to advancements in technology and the field of dentistry. By knowing the truth about what to expect, many patients can feel much calmer about this tooth-saving operation. Read on to learn four facts about root canal therapy you should know before undergoing treatment!


July 13, 2022

4 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Veneers

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 10:00 am
Illustration of replacing veneers

If you have porcelain veneers, you should remember they have a limited lifespan. Even well-maintained ones will only last for a couple of decades or so. As such, you’ll eventually need to replace them to benefit from treatment long-term. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a declining smile that could really use some help. However, knowing the right time isn’t always clear when it comes to replacing veneers. To help you through that obstacle, here are four signs to look for that show you could use replacements.


May 10, 2022

What to Expect During an Emergency Dental Visit

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 9:41 pm
person with toothache who needs emergency dental visit holding cheek

If you recently suffered damage to one of your teeth or have a persistent toothache that’s making it difficult to sleep through the night or make it through the day, it’s time to visit your emergency dentist. Though their job is to help you feel comfortable and safe while they repair your smile, it’s not unusual to feel a little nervous. To help you keep your cool during your appointment, read on to learn about three things you can expect during your emergency dental visit. 


March 18, 2022

5 Causes of Gray Teeth and How to Fix Them

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 11:55 am
person with gray teeth undergoing whitening treatment

Several things can cause teeth to look stained, such as smoking cigarettes or consuming highly pigmented foods and beverages like berries, dark sodas, coffee, tea, and red wine. Though you may think of discolored teeth as being yellow or brown in color, sometimes they’re gray instead. Read on to learn about five things that may cause this as well as what your dentist can do to help.


December 7, 2021

5 Tips for Transitioning from Dentures to Dental Implants

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drgaur @ 2:39 am

Image of an upper implant dentureAre you ready to stop throwing money away on replacement dentures? Maybe you’re tired of slipping and irritation? No matter the reasons, implant dentures will give you the next best thing to your real teeth. With over a 95% success rate, dental implants are a wise investment. However, there’s going to be an adjustment period. Here are 5 tips to ensure a seamless transition from dentures to an implant-supported solution.


November 10, 2021

The Evolution of Dentures

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 8:49 pm
person holding denture

Millions of Americans suffer from extensive tooth loss. If you’re a part of that group, you know firsthand how much it can affect your quality of life. Luckily, dentures are a comfortable and lifelike solution to rebuild your smile. Most people may not realize this, but they’ve come a long way from their early days. Read on to learn about the evolution of dentures and how they benefit patients today.


October 14, 2021

How TikTok’s Toothless Princess is Breaking the Stigma Around Dentures

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgaur @ 10:11 pm
young woman scrolling through TikTok on phone

Are you on TikTok? Even if you’re not, there’s a very good chance that you know someone who is. The wildly popular social media platform is home to multiple trends, with most of them involving new dances or songs. However, the latest one is about something you’d never expect – dentures. One user has gained popularity for sharing her life with snap-in dentures. Here’s how TikTok’s toothless princess is inspiring other young people to share their stories and help break the stigma surrounding dentures.  

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