Dix Hills Family Dentistry Blog
April 9, 2018
How Much do Implants Cost?
The cost of dental implant supported tooth replacement plans varies depending on the individual case, but before you get started with your plan, a dentist will walk you through all aspects of your individual treatments and help you to budget accordingly. In this post, we’ll take the time to discuss some of the many variables that can impact the costs associated with your dental implant supported tooth replacement plan. To get accurate estimates of the out of pocket costs of your dental care, you’ll need to schedule a consultation visit with a trusted implant dentist.
March 6, 2018
Learn the Procedure for Getting Dental Implants in Dix Hills Today
Dental implants can do wonders for the health of your smile just as much as the look. Once you have them placed you’ll be able to eat the foods you always loved and flash the smile you remembered having to your friends and family. However, many people don’t know much about the procedure of getting dental implants in Dix Hills, so your dentist wanted to outline the process for you.
Once you know this, you’ll be far more informed prior to your consultation, a stage that is necessary when pursuing a treatment as extensive as dental implants.
February 6, 2018
Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants in Dix Hills?
If you miss the freedom and confidence that comes with a complete set of healthy teeth, you might be thinking about getting dental implants in Dix Hills. This procedure has dozens of benefits; implants may last for a lifetime, they look fantastic, and they’re strong enough to stand up to pretty much any food. But is this tooth replacement method right for you? Let’s talk about some of the qualifiers that make a person an ideal candidate for dental implants.
January 8, 2018
What Can Dental Implants in Dix Hills Do for Me? Your Dentist Knows
Are you tired of giving a close-mouthed smile for every picture? Wish you had your smile back and weren’t forced to eat certain foods? According to your dentist, dental implants in Dix Hills can do wonders for your smile as well as your long-term oral health. Considered the best tooth-replacement option out there, dental implants can provide a level of comfort and functionality that other methods fail to meet.
In today’s post, we’ll be reviewing what you can expect from dental implants, their cost, and how they can change your life forever.
December 12, 2017
Why You Shouldn’t Skip Out on Visiting Your Dentist in Dix Hills
There is an alarming trend that continues to grow in America. Too many people are forgoing the benefits of visiting their dentist semi-annually for cleanings and examinations. Preventive dentistry is one of the main pillars of oral health, but statistics show that people are seemingly becoming less responsive to proactive care. Your dentist in Dix Hills discusses some of the stats and reveals what problems can arise by skipping visits with your dentist.
November 4, 2017
Visit Your Family Dentist in Dix Hills Before Your Benefits Expire
In addition to your home oral hygiene routine, the health of your smile relies on regular care from your family dentist in Dix Hills. To keep services affordable, you pay monthly premiums for dental coverage. This allows your loved ones to see their dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup for little to no out-of-pocket cost. However, throughout the year, times have gotten a bit busy and you have not scheduled an appointment as often as you should. Now, you have remaining benefits that are about to expire. To maximize their value, it is time for a visit before the year comes to an end.
October 27, 2017
How to Help Your Kids Have a Fun, Healthy Halloween
USA Today recently published some statistics regarding candy consumption on Halloween. The numbers are interesting — and also frightening for your family dentist in Dix Hills.
September 9, 2017
What’s in a Smile? Your Cosmetic Dentist Explains this Universal Gesture
They say that mathematics is the universal language, and that might be true — but smiling is the universal gesture. When you meet people from other cultures whose language is completely different from your own, a simple smile can let them know that you’re glad to see them and that you accept them in all their unique glory. Smiles aren’t just for strangers, though. This little gesture can brighten your day and the days of everyone around you, whether they’re your family members, friends, or coworkers. But why is a smile so powerful, and how can you get the most out yours? Your cosmetic dentist in Dix Hills is here to explain.
August 13, 2017
3 Kids Tips from a Children’s Dentist in Arlington Heights
When it comes to children’s teeth, many parents don’t pay too much attention to how well they’re taken care of. After all, they fall out right? That may be true, but some parents don’t realize how important baby teeth are to lay the foundation for healthy permanent, adult teeth. That’s why your children’s dentist in Arlington Heights thinks it’s important for parents to know these facts about their child’s dental health:
- Kids frequently exposed to sugary foods and drinks are at a much higher risk of developing tooth decay.
- Children should visit their dentist by the time they turn one-year old.
- It’s critical that parents and guardians instill good oral hygiene practices as early as possible.
Let’s explore some ways you can be proactive in preventing oral health issues for your children.
July 21, 2017
See Your Children’s Dentist in Dix Hills before School Starts
Ah, the lazy, hazy days of summer. There’s more time for rest and relaxation, vacations and stay-cations, and quality time with family and friends. We’d like to suggest another important way to spend quality time—bring your kids to see the children’s dentist in Dix Hills. Our board-certified pediatric dentist, Dr. Shubha Soni-Gaur, wants to make your children’s visits to our office fun and relaxing. This may take a little extra time, so why not visit us during the summer when you and your kids aren’t quite so rushed? In the meantime, read on for more important information about your child’s oral health.