Dental Implants — Dix Hills, NY

The Gold Standard of Tooth Replacement

If you need to replace one or more teeth, Dr. Raj Gaur offers versatile restoration with dental implants. In addition to providing patients with a permanent solution for missing teeth, dental implants offer a bevy of important benefits for your health and everyday life that other options simply can’t provide. That’s why dental implants are widely seen as the gold standard for tooth replacement. If you’re interested in this potentially life-changing dental treatment, give us a call today to schedule your consultation!

Why Choose Dix Hills Family Dentistry For Dental Implants?

  • Entire Dental Implant Treatment Completed Under 1 Roof
  • Advanced Dental Technology for Precise Results
  • Various Options for Making Dental Implants Affordable

What Are Dental Implants?

Diagram showing dental implants in Dix Hills

Dental implants are small titanium posts that can be placed under the gumline into the jawbone to mimic tooth roots. These posts can be used to securely support restorations like crowns, bridges, and dentures and give them lifelike stability and functionality. This is much different than traditional options like dentures and bridges that only replace the visible portion of missing teeth. Since dental implant restorations are anchored securely in place, you never have to worry about their security or strength, and you can count on them to last for many years to come. Dental implants can give you a smile that looks, feels, and functions just like natural.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Woman smiling at her Dix Hills implant dentist

Unlike dentures and dental bridges, getting dental implants requires a multi-step process that will take several months. This may seem like a long time, but when you consider all the long-term benefits, you will understand why they are worth it. While every treatment is unique, here are the four main steps that you can expect during the process of restoring your smile with dental implants.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

: Man smiling in a dental chair

The first step when it comes to restoring your smile is your initial consultation. During this time, we will take a look at your mouth and surrounding facial structures. This will help us to determine whether dental implants are ideal for you and where and how they should be placed in the mouth. Some patients need to have preliminary procedures completed before getting dental implants, like bone grafting, gum disease treatment, and tooth extractions. After this, we can move forward to planning the rest of your treatment. During your consultation, we are also happy to walk you through the process so you know exactly what you can expect – including the timeline and cost.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist performing surgery

Dental implant placement surgery is relatively straightforward. After we numb your mouth with a local anesthetic, a small incision is made into the gum tissue to access your jawbone. The implants will then be placed at precise locations and angles. Lastly, your gums will be closed, and protective caps will be placed over the dental implant posts to keep them safe during the healing process.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment Placement

Digital illustration of dental implant

Over the next 3 to 6 months, the fusion process will take place between the implant and jawbone. This process is called “osseointegration.” This allows for your implant to stay firmly in place. Once this process has been completed, we can place a metal abutment on the end of your implant.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Man smiling in dental chair

A few weeks after your abutment has been placed, your restoration should be ready. You can return to our office where you will receive your new crown, bridge, or denture (depending on the number of teeth that are being replaced). At this point, we will make sure that your bite is comfortable, and you will be sent on your way to enjoy the benefits of your new and improved smile!

Benefits of Dental Implants

Couple with dental implants in Dix Hills enjoying a meal together

  • Strong and reliable
  • Looks and feels like natural teeth
  • Have the potential to last a lifetime
  • Easy to care for
  • Stable and will never feel loose

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

a dentist holding a dental implant model

Part of why dental implants are so impressive is the fact that they can be customized based on a patient’s individual needs. But since every smile is different, this also means that no two procedures are going to be the same – or cost the same. When you come in for your consultation, we’ll inspect your smile and consider factors including how many teeth you’re missing, the state of your oral health, and your jawbone’s density. Based on these details, we’ll be able to give you a better price estimate.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

a patient during their consultation

Not every patient is immediately ready to receive dental implants. For example, patients with insufficient jawbone density might require a supplemental bone graft, to help fortify their jaw in preparation for the implant posts. Likewise, patients with advanced gum disease might need to undergo treatment before their gum tissue is suitable for hosting their implants. No matter what sort of care you need before your implant placement, these procedures can add to the total cost. As for the actual implant surgery, what you’ll end up paying also depends on variables like the office’s location, the number of implants being placed, the type of sedation being used, and others.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

a dental implant model

The actual components of your dental implants factor into the total cost as well:

  • Number of implant posts – Dental implants can be used to replace one, a few, or an entire mouthful of missing teeth. The number of implant posts you receive, which can range from one to eight, contributes to the final price tag.
  • Type of dental restoration(s) – Crowns, bridges, and dentures can all be combined with dental implants to create an impressively sturdy solution for tooth loss. Generally, smaller restorations are cheaper than larger, more complex ones.
  • Materials and brand of implants – Implants are commonly made from titanium, but can also be made from zirconia, which tends to be more expensive. The manufacturer we choose will also affect how much you’ll pay, but feel free to ask us about what brand you’re receiving, as well as any brand-specific benefits!

How Dental Implants Pay for Themselves

a dental implant against a green background

It’s worth noting that while dental implants might seem like a heavy investment, the lifelong benefits that they provide are well worth their cost, and it’s not unreasonable to say that they end up paying for themselves over time! Since dental implants don’t have to be replaced every few years, as dentures or bridges do, you’ll save money on those expenses, as well as any cleaning solutions you’d have to purchase for those types of restorations.  And since dental implants also boost one’s oral hygiene, it’s even possible that you’ll end up with a cleaner, healthier mouth in the long run, which can also cut down on dental care expenses.


Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants

a patient using their dental insurance to pay a bill

In many cases, insurance plans don’t pay for the actual dental implants themselves – though there are some notable exceptions. Parts of the final restoration, as well as preliminary treatments, often receive some level of coverage. Regardless of your circumstances, our team is more than happy to sit down and review the specifics of your plan with you to ensure that you’re making the most of your benefits whenever possible.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Dix Hills implant dentist holding model of dental implants

Dental implants aren’t right for every patient. To find out if you’re a candidate, call Dix Hills Family Dentistry to schedule a visit with us. During your appointment, Dr. Gaur will complete a full oral exam. Based on your results, you’ll make plans for dental implant treatment, or Dr. Gaur will recommend an alternative solution. Even without implants you can achieve a fuller, healthier smile at Dix Hills Family Dentistry. We serve patients of all ages in and around Huntington Station.